
Suture Press

Publishing house promoting contemporary philosophy and conceiving of books not only as information mediums but also as places and mnemotechnic tools.

Suture Press connects heterogeneous elements: contemporary art, Africa conceived as a paradigm of the future world, contemporary continental philosophy, the theory of architecture and reflection on a communism for the 21st century. Suture Press aims to foster the renewal of abstract and theoretical thinking.
Suture Press produces books in various languages, in English, French, or even Czech. Besides the publication of books and art catalogues, the publishing house also organizes colloquia and lectures in collaboration with the Prague Axiomatic Circle.

association de loi 1901
Éditions Suture, Suture Press
5, impasse Viard
69004 Lyon


Jana Berankova (president)

e-shop support + orders:
Monika Toušková (member)

Cheikh Ndiaye (vice-president)

Christian Corond (secretary)